There are six free quizzes that are available within the app.
- One is a taster quiz that gives samples of all of the other quizzes - useful to help you see the range of quizzes available
- The other free quiz is a general knowledge safeguarding quiz for all staff. A helpful refresher
- The third quiz reflects the changes for staff as a result of the 2018 and 2019 issue of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (KCSIE)
- Annex A contains more detailed information from Part One of KCSIE, the section all staff should read. This demo quiz gives you a sample of free questions that develops further understanding of Part One.
- A free quiz about acronyms is to help everyone with the complexity of the many acronyms that exist in the world of safeguarding.
- The final free quiz focuses on part one of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (KCSIE). This is helpful for all staff and checks their knowledge of this key document.
- Other quizzes cover different elements of safeguarding for different staff. All staff have a quiz designed to cover their required areas of knowledge.
- The admin quiz covers general safer recruitment and safeguarding. For example, is an expired driving licence acceptable for identification purposes?
- Whereas the enhanced quiz takes the knowledge required to the next level for admin staff. For example, do all staff require checks on disqualification by association?
- The leaders quiz focuses on information that leaders might need to know around the ethos, culture and principles of safeguarding.
- A governors quiz focuses on what a governor needs to know to undertake their role correctly. For example, how does a governor know if the single central record is accurate?
- Two quizzes support the knowledge of inexperienced teachers or students and develop their grasp of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.
- Also, what do the 2018 and 2019 changes mean for leaders? What are the key implications? This is a new quiz for September 2019 and focuses on the specific recent changes made by the newly revised Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 2019) and the Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018). This quiz is simply called 2018 and 2019 changes...
- A new government document on online safety raises the profile and importance of this key aspect of safeguarding. How much do your staff know? How confident are leaders?
- Clearly, the most important part of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' is Part One. This quiz gives an overview of the key points to this.
- Annex A is the back up to Part One and it is suggested that staff should read Annex A to support their knowledge of safeguarding. Our quiz summarises key parts of Annex A.
Two more quizzes will follow in 2019-20, one focusing on safer recruitment and one focusing on the annexes within 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.
Two more quizzes will follow in 2019-20, one focusing on safer recruitment and one focusing on the annexes within 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.