This is a quiz for all staff that will test their knowledge of a range of safeguarding aspects. A good starter to establish training needs.
A free quiz that gives a sample of all of our quizzes. A useful tool for a leader to understand the range of questions.
A sample quiz of the changes in safeguarding due to the 2018 and 2019 Keeping Children Safe in Education documents. This allows you to sample over third of the quiz. This is a quiz that draws attention to the changes in a fun way. Some questions will require reference to a copy of the KCSIE, so knowledge will improve. Licences will enable full access.
CEOP, KCSIE, CME, DSL, LADO - no wonder we get ourselves confused. A free quiz - ideal for newer staff, students, NQTS and governors.
All you ever wanted to know about part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education. A free quiz that allows you to review over a third of the quiz. Very useful for all staff as it covers all aspects of part one in detail. Licences enable full access.
Annex A is further information to back up part one of KCSIE. It is recommended that staff should have an awareness of Annex A to develop their knowledge. This is a free quiz that allows you to sample a third of the quiz. A licence offers full access to this quiz.
Having tried these free quizzes, review our licenced quizzes and buy licences to access them all.